Monday, September 17, 2007

So much to say. So little Brain.

Such an awesome tool, this interactive media rich media tell me yours and I'll tell you mine internet. There are just so many damn places to release what's inside of you. There's so many that lord jesus I run out of energy making sure I've got the stuff in the right places. Which is retarded. That's right I said it. Let's face it, that word can only mean being goofy, now that the old definition has been replaced by more accurate definitions of learning disabled --

Oh jesus I should get to the point because I will get bored before I get to the point. And so will you.

The blog on was awesome, except for that whole unwieldy interface, sometimes is broken, sometimes sucks because it's only sort of broken, and well I'm all growed up and maybe the myspace thing should just be delegated to something more like the occasional PR update.

Okay enough with the preamble. Here's the scoop.

I'm recording my damn CD over the next 30 days, no matter what. TAL3NT! will be a fantastic album with probably close to 20 tracks. Why so many? Because I keep finding other songs to put on there, and instead of pressuring myself as to which tracks to cut out, I'm going to go LONG on this one and what the fuck put them all in there. Here's what I've got so far:

1. Nevergonnaletyoumakemehatemyself Again

2. Come On Baby

3. Over You

4. Lost In Thought

5. Sugar Rush

6. Make Me Laugh

7. Hotel Chelsea Nights

8. I Always Will

9. Slobert 3

10. Does That Make You Feel Good

11. Behind Bars

12. As Good

13. Turning My Demons Aloose

14. Love Sandwich

15. No Sleep Funk

16. Run Your Hands All Over My Body

17. I Don't Want These Memories

18. Rock The Boat

19. Everybody Have a Party

That's what I've got right now.

Now, see, I'm sure that some of those will be clunkers, and some will be awetastic. It's hard to tell which when you're digging on the demos of those tunes. So, you know, there's that. The demo and the final studio version of the songs are occasionally accurate, but most of the time, for whatever reason, they don't have the same things.

So there you go. There's the first post. I'm in the process of building a flash player so you can dig on all them demos, I think. I dunno. Maybe that's too much? Maybe too over-indulgent? Who knows.